Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pahoa and Seabury Hall True DII Championship

The HHSAA Boys Volleyball DII Championship featured two small outer island schools. Pahoa and Seabury Hall, is this correct? Wait isn't there supposed to another OIA or ILH team in there? Finally the HHSAA got it right! Two small schools with enrollments of less than 3oo. The original designers of the HHSAA DII tournament would be proud. This was a match made for DII and the way it was intended. Pahoa a small Big Island public school and Seabury Hall a small private Maui school.

The two schools represented two good, solid volleyball programs, with great coaching and fan support. The television station OC 16, did an excellent job of telecasting the game live and volleyball fans statewide got to see a very competitive game. Let's give HHSAA a hand and give a hooray for the HHSAA DII formula. Finally, it had worked out the way it was designed!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Pahoa Aligned To The Top

Pahoa knew they had a good basketball team when the 2009-10 season started. A team that made the 2009 HHSAA tournament previously with a returning core of players. Led by Isaiah Ekau the BIIF DII league’s most versatile and dominant player. Ekau did it all this year. He rebounded, he scored, he altered shots and above all he led. Pahoa became a title contender with the addition of freshman Nick Fisher , a tall left handed scorer.

The Daggers started great and almost stole a win from Hilo at the Civic in their opener giving notice to everyone in the BIIF. They upset a very good DI Keaau Cougar team and played all the DI East teams extremly tough. Pahoa did not sport the best final season record, but just kept plugging along, vastly improving throughout the year. Then in the BIIF playoffs, Ekau made one great statement. Ekau made the final shot ending Kohala’s dream season and HHSAA berth. Ekau was definitely the story of the DII tournament.

Everyone wanted to see the Kohala vs St Joe rematch of 2009. But BIIF fans got Pahoa the unexpected dinner guest. In the BIIF final, St Joe was the clearly better team. St Joe frustrated a over anxious Pahoa team that got into foul trouble in a overly tight officiated game. But on Oahu in HHSAA the officiating style fit Pahoa’s physical style better. Pahoa flourished with defensive aggressiveness and teamwork. The small school of Pahoa now sits atop of the HHSAA DII Basketball World. For those who do not know what the Dagger's significance in the nick name of the school, (no it is not for the sport of chicken fighting) the Hawaiian word Pahoa means Dagger according to school officials. Although the Dagger might be thought of as a violent nick name, the dagger has always been a symbol in the ancient world as a most potent weapon for sustenance, fighting and protection. For Pahoa High School, who is constantly fighting for survival in a growing sprawling community they have met their challenge. Oh yes!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Good Week for the BIIF In HHSAA Tourneys

One Team Championship by Kealakehe in the HHSAA Girls Swimming Championships, a second place finish in the DII Boys Soccer Finals by Honokaa and a third place finish by Kealakehe Boys capped off a successful week for the BIIF. The Boys Soccer closed the gap between the islands in competitiveness. Kealekehe proved that they could play with the best and pressed Punahou in the semifinal and closed out Kamehameha-Kapalama in the third place game. Kealakehe led at the half 1-0 against eventual Boy’s HHSAA Soccer champions. Also the Hilo Boys played well and could have won the first game against a mighty Kamehameha-Kapalama team and later losing to a good Aiea team 0-1. The boys played more competitively than their BIIF female counter parts a week earlier. The BIIF Girls soccer teams of Hilo, Waiakea, Honokaa, HPA, and Kamehameha did not have the success of this years BIIF Boys Soccer teams. Give all the coaches, players and parents kudos for a job well done!

Also to be complimented is the Kealekehe Girls Swim team that brought home the HHSAA team swimming championship against a heavily favored Punahou.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Leave The Paper Bags Home Please

Do you remember the NFL days of old when the New Orleans Saints were the laughing stock of the NFL? A franchise that has endured so much, losing seasons year after year. Even one of the best quarterbacks (Archie Manning) to come out of college could not save this beleaguered program. Tom Dempsey’s record breaking field goal with his special shoe was probably the greatest moment in Saints history, next to last weeks clinching of a berth to the big dance.

A franchise that only recently was playing games at LSU due to Hurricane Katrina. Katrina nearly destroyed the team, but the city rallied and like the spirit of the city, rebuilt. On Sunday the city of New Orleans and the state of Louisiana will be joined with those Americans who love an underdog. An underdog that has been beaten up, ridiculed, blown away (literally), and mocked with paper bag masks.

We loved it when John Gruden brought Tampa Bay a Super bowl appearance and Championship ring. We remember how they unseated the Saints with the bags and then were transformed into a winner with a new image. The Colts will be going for their second title in recent decade with a quarterback who is the son of a quarterback that lived through the paper bags and booing. Archie Manning’s son Peyton Manning remembers those days when his father was playing for a losing team and the frustration of not winning.

He remembers the city that supported and crucified the Saints. It is ironic that what eluded Archie for many years (Super Bowl Appearance) has been earned with his two sons; Peyton and Eli (NY Giants). Although Archie never got close to the summit in the NFL playoffs, the city of New Orleans time has arrived, win or lose the paper bags are vanquished once and for all.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Time to tame preferential treatment and sticking to the schedule

Having flexibility in a schedule is good sometimes allowing room to navigate unforeseen things that happen in the hectic school schedules. These unforeseen events like SAT tests, field and weather conditions, travel difficulties etc…, throws a monkey wrench into the schedule. However, when you have the powers to be finagling the schedule to accommodate a few individual players is this preferential treatment?

Currently, when they switched the girl’s basketball and girl’s softball seasons it eliminated dual participation by girls that played basketball and soccer because the seasons ran concurrently. Most schools now have policies forbidding the participation in both sports due to risk of injury, practice conflicts and traveling challenges.

However, some BIIF schools have rearranged the set BIIF Girls Soccer schedule to accommodate several players who are trying to play both sports. In other words having their cake and eating it too.

However, some BIIF schools have rearranged the set BIIF Girls Soccer schedule to accommodate several players who are trying to play both sports. In other words having their cake and eating it too. Some have claimed that these talented players contribute to the chance of success to both the girl’s soccer and girl’s basketball teams. Two games schedules this week have been changed due to this situation. Is this fair for everyone involved? What is it teaching our Kid’s?

Is it wrong to change the schedule so these players can be at two venues on the same day? Schedules were made to be adhered to. Schedules teaches students time management, to work through, to make tough choices. Sports schedules also ensure that every team faces the same environments; time of day, practice hardships, traveling on the road, etc.. . In other words schedules are there to ensure uniformity for everyone and no one has an apparent advantage or disadvantage.

The late Ken Yamase quoted when they changed the basketball and softball seasons; “you have to choose.” (basketball or Soccer in girls BIIF)(Baseball or Volleyball in boys BIIF) In other words, you can't play both, you have to make a decision on what sport you want to play.

What are we teaching our kids when you can manipulate the schedule to accommodate yourselves? You can’t do this in real life in most instances. You have to make hard choices.

There is also the issue of practice. Is it fair for talented players to be excused in team practices because they are at another sport practice? Or worse, changing the original practice schedule to accommodate these players because they want to be at both practices to ensure major playing time? When they do this a whole team now must change their original practice schedule to accommodate these players. Not to mention the player's parents, who now have to change their schedules.

The BIIF, coaches and AD's must not tolerate the manipulation of the schedule (circumstances) and condone it. We must stop promoting winning is more important, discourage preferential treatment to change an uncomfortable circumstance in the schedule to an advantage.

Time for the BIIF to teach our students the value of sticking to the schedule, because it is fair and uniform for everyone, to work with what has been fairly dealt. Students will have to make hard decisions, and sometimes being absent and taking a forfeit will endeavor the heart to endure rather than a perpetual feeling that everything can be overcome by requesting for a preferential favor.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ishibashi's Legacy Lives On In Upset Victory

Wade Ishibashi Sr, may have gone on to coach on the Lord’s team, but some of his players whom he had the privilege to coach made Keaau and Big Island fans proud of their upset victory over ILH perennial power Iolani. For substitute Keaau coach Ikaika Harris (Keaau 07) it was a most triumphant victory. With both teams playing aggressive man defense throughout the night, it was the driving style of Keaau that would persevere. Both teams strategy seem to mirror each other, keeping it simple by having the offense flow with drives and dishes.

Wade Ishibashi’s coaching philosophy when he was at the helm at Keaau High School was an aggressive attacking offense predicated on the dribble drive. Going strong was his motto. Last night, Haku Ishibashi, Makana Cazimero, Richie Handy and Sekona Holani executed that type of philosophy to victory. In the first half, Keaau kept pace with the talented team from Oahu. Iolani, which had many players coming from their HHSAA Division II Football Championship kept things simple, with a dribble penetrating type of offense and man defense. The game plan for the Red Raiders was basically the same game plan used by former Iolani coach “Doc” Mark Muguiishi over the years while in preseason.

Kainoa Chu was the primary weapon the Raiders relied on, as he was quick to the basket in the first half. However, the Raiders did not expect Keaau to give them a dose of the same medicine. Keaau caught momentum on some mid fourth quarter spurts by squirting past the Iolani full court press and finding Sekona or Handy under the basket for easy bankers. For new Iolani head coach Dean Shimamoto, it was an unexpected first defeat of his young coaching career. With former coach Doc Muguiishi sitting on the bench as a consultant rather than an assistant looking on.

For the Cougar program, it was a momentous victory. In 2004, when Wade was an assistant coach at Keaau, the Cougars took a thumping from Iolani in the HHSAA tournament. That year Iolani was led by Low and Nash. Recently Wade Ishibashi’s life was remembered on the anniversary of Wade Ishibashi day proclaimed by Mayor Billy Kenoi and the County of Hawaii on December 5th, 2008. A 3 on 3 tournament raising awareness of bone marrow registry and continuing the spirit of Ishibashi will be played this Saturday (December 12, 2009) and emotions will run deep again. The Keaau Cougars for the moment have for one day and for one game given Wade, his family and fans a big smile and delight.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

MAD Bunch Finally Get One

The New York Yankees captured the 2009 World Series last night in their new digs, creating a new legacy and future history. Most of the buzz last night was about the four veterans that now have five world series rings. Derek Jeter, Mariano Rivera, Andy Pettitte, and Jorge Posada the nucleus of the past will forever be linked to being some of the best Yankees of all time. It has been nine years since the last Yankee championship. In the middle of those years there were doubts that the wealthiest team in MLB couldn’t reach the pinnacle again. However, bring in Brian Cashman (Met’s 85 W.S. GM) who tweeked the formula and brought in some missing pieces and the team made it happen.

The MAD bunch who sacrificed so much frustration, Matsui, A-Rod, and Damon finally got to hoist the big trophy. The three players endured so much criticism along with the other Yankees for their previous mediocre playoff heroics. A franchise with so much promise and expectations, it was not easy for these players with high payrolls to hide during the post season. The enduring of carrying that monkey would have driven most players away. So many years of great regular seasons to only falter in the playoffs.

Was it time to overhaul the whole team, was asked many times. Johnny Damon captured a title with the Red Sox in 2004. However he missed the next World Series Red Sox title along with his beard and mustache when he was bought by the Yankees prior to Boston winning it all in 2007. Hideki (Godzilla) Matsui, Japan’s bomber, brought an entourage of reporters from the rising sun and Alex Rodrigues the best shortstop counterpart to Derek Jeter was brought over from the Texas Rangers. All players had high expectations from the New York fans to help the veteran players win a couple of championships immediately.

For these three players there was much pressure to not only win but to win it all every year. The window was vanishing and closing on their careers as they aged. It looked like the elusive Yankee World Series Championship ring was not meant to be for them. In the 2009 series it was fitting, that the three MAD players produced the offense to complement the pitching and came clutch in this World Series. Matsui in game six recorded six RBI’s tying a New York record for RBI’s in a world series game. Matsui would be named MVP for the series as he hit over 600% and three homers . Damon was key in game three and four in getting on and stealing bases along with a homer. A-Rod, was on fire in the NLCS. However, once the world series started and he got off to a slow start, some doubters were exclaiming, “here we go again, another inept series for the Yankees”. Reporters would say, “good pitching but where’s the million dollar offense?” However in game three A-Rod let it loose and continued his tear again, bringing in a valuable game go ahead RBI.

It is hard to imagine the team winning without the MAD bunch. Next year Matsui and Damon may be gone through free agency. It is too bad most fans of the World Series never understood the value of these two players over the years. Most only got to see them or track them on their previous World Series performances. However, they played a huge part in helping the Yankees reach the playoffs almost every year. It’s been that kind of year for the Yankees. In with the new (Stadium, AJ Burnett, Teixeira, Sabathia), shine with the old (Matsui, A-Rod, Damon), and reminding everyone of the past. (Pettitte, Rivera, Posada, Jeter)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Victorino Passes Schmidt

When Shane Victorino hit his three run homer on Sunday (10.18.09) against the Dodgers in the NLCS he surpassed legendary Phillie Mike Schmidt for Postseason RBI’s. Victorino has 18 RBI’s and is the second all time Philadelphia Phillie for post season RBI's next to team mate Ryan Howard (22 RBI).

When you think about that stat, it is amazing to think about Victorino being in the same conversation to Hall of Famer Schmidt who held the record all these years. For Hawaii’s Victorino it confirms the versatility of the flying Hawaiian and the success of Philadelphia's six through nine hitters getting on base. A top of the line up hitter, who can get on base, steal and get in scoring position, has some power to bring in runs also. Was he worth the money he just signed for? The season thus far, says he may be deserving more! Let’s cheer for Shane who is making Hawaii proud.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tell Me It Isn't So Joe?

So Who Is Next?

Big Poppy is the latest name to surface regarding the steroid era in baseball. Team mate Manny Ramirez’ name surfaced in a positive test result in an early 2000 random test. Later this year Ramirez was suspended for another suspect substance, while he relegated to denying the report. Now Poppy is saying he must of picked the substance up from a nutrition store? Okay let’s count few of the marquee players who are suspected thus far; Manny, Poppy, Sammy, Mark, Barry, Roger, Miguel, Alex, and on and on and on…… “Tell me it isn’t so Joe?” Are we not tired of hearing these allegations? Fans are mixed in the argument. Some say, “let’s move on”, other say. “Foul ball”, others say “Eject the #@%** cheaters”.

Poor pitchers who played it fair in the monsteroid era

We’ll it is water under the bridge or is it? Huge salaries have been paid, media hypotrophy (made huge amounts with TV ratings and home run race), and most of the money already spent, Championships won (Boston Red Sox), and records broken. But no one is mentioning, the ones who played fair and did not do the same. Remember the ones who had good seasons but were forgotten (Ken Griffey Jr and Greg Vaughn), due to the outrageous numbers the cheaters were putting up. Or what about the ones who had talent and promise but did not compromise but were let go and not signed. Poor pitchers who played it fair in the monsteroid era, their ERA’s got hammered. Many pitchers got the boot from baseball due to the steroid cheaters.

We’ll the freak show is over, No one is even coming close to sixty homers a year, and we see the scales tipping back to the youth again. Older pitchers body’s breaking down more frequently (like the old times –normally). Remember the hype supporters? They were quick to blame made in China baseballs, pitching talent decline, the small ballparks and thin air of expansion team's location like Colorado.

Steroid use has declined since, so has the numbers. If there are large aberrations in stats one way or another, we better suspect something is not right. If it looks to good to be true it usually is… In this case we were all duped.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Maui Basketball Camp A Success!

WAILUKU, Maui - 2009 marked another great summer for the Maui Sports Academy’s Hawaii High School Basketball Exposure Camp, solidifying it once again as the number one basketball camp in the state of Hawaii.

55 (five over the advertised camp capacity) of the state’s top players representing all five interscholastic federations and the top programs such as Iolani, Kamehameha-Kapalama, Punahou, Kalaheo, Kailua, Radford and Baldwin participated in the weeklong overnight camp held at the Lahaina Civic Center, the longtime home of the Maui Invitational college basketball tournament.

The camp included four Players of the Year; Lincoln Seto (MIL, Baldwin), Dakota Allen (BIIF, Waiakea), Darrell Lee (OIA Red West, Radford) and Christian Mendonza (OIA White West, Waianae) as well as Kainoa Chu (1st team ILH, Iolani), Marcus Monroe (1st Team OIA, Moanalua), Angelo Berardy (1st Team OIA, Kalani) and Dylan King and Michael Palmer (1st Team MIL DII, Seabury Hall), among others.

The camp again boasted a stellar coaching staff, which included former Iolani and Washington State University standout Derrick Low, as well as two other Hawaii high school graduates currently playing at mainland universities; Cody Tesoro (Baldwin/Linfield College) and Justin Endo (Seabury Hall/Webster University).

Mainland college coaches included Kaniela Aiona, formerly of the Big Island, of Lake Forrest College (IL), Casey Kushiyama, formerly of Oahu, of Whitworth University (OR), Mike Siener of Webster University (MO), Chad Lance of Missouri Valley College, Jim Herrera of Foothill College (CA), Steven Taylor of Linfield College (OR) along with camp director Alan Walls.

At the conclusion of the camp championship teams were crowned and various camp award winners were honored. The top prize was the Camper of the Week award which goes to not only one of the top players at the camp but also one that displays a great work ethic, self-discipline and a high level of character. In what was a tough vote by the coaches, the 2009 COW award went to Andrew Skalman of Iolani School.

The Coach of the Week award was given to camp rookie and MVC head coach Chad Lance. Coach Lance showed great enthusiasm all week and really got the campers excited about playing basketball.

The Lunch Box award, given to the camp’s hardest worker who competes and practices with a blue-collar work ethic and “brings his lunch box to work everyday,” was given to camp veteran Richard Handy of Keaau High School on the Big Island.

Participating in the annual Camp All-Star Game were: Lincoln Seto (Baldwin), Mitchel Shintani (Waiakea), Dean Viena (St. Louis), Darrell Lee, Michael Palmer, Micha Dunhour (Honokaa), Jacob Mayer (Maryknoll), Malik Johnson (Punahou), Dylan King, Mike Tuiloma (St. Louis), Kainoa Chu, Chris Gambill (Honokaa), Richard Handy and Andrew Skalman. Point Guard Michael Palmer was named the All-Star Game MVP.

The 5-on-5 League Champions were coached by Steven Taylor and Cody Tesoro and led by team MVP Andrew Skalman. Also on the team were: Darrell Lee, Michael Foster (Waianae), Frank Ho (KS-Kapalama), Theo Duplechain (Island Pacific), Bradey Norman (King Kekaulike), Hunter Lee (St. Joseph) and Dakota Allen.

Taking home the 3-on-3 League Championship were Darrell Lee, Tevin Togami (Le Jardin), Quentin Kimura (Radford) and Garrett Wiseman (Seabury Hall).

Without a doubt the 5-day camp was a huge success and all 55 campers and 10 coaches did an outstanding job, continuing to improve on the success of the previous camps and setting the bar high for next summer’s campers.

Yours in hoops,

Alan Walls
Owner/Camp Director - Maui Sports Academy

1419 Kilohi Street
Wailuku, Hawaii 96793

Friday, June 12, 2009

Economic Times Just an Excuse To Pass Leagues Wish List

The HIADA meetings are in full swing and reported is the attempt to cut down the state tournament field from 12 to 8 teams. On the surface it looks like the state athletic directors have benevolent pursuits in this change. However, it is no secret that the larger Oahu leagues have always wanted to cut the field down since the birth of the new division II championship tournament. The main goal of these Oahu leagues is to make the division I tournament an eight team elite tournament. With such a small field, the tournament could be done in three days. Sounds like a real cost cutting move to save an extra day.

The cost of travel for outer island teams to the HHSAA tournaments the last couple of years have been funded by the parents and fundraisers not the leagues themselves. So there is no significant savings in cost reduction. This field reduction only alleviates the hardship on outer island parents.
But if you were to ask the parents if they would have it any other way, they would gladly tell you they very much would honor such an achievement and raise the funds appropriately some way.

Ask the HHSAA if they reduce the field, then align it this way; two berths for the BIIF, MIL, OIA and ILH for division I and the same for division II with KIF added and one ILH berth eliminated. There would be so much opposition from the ILH and the OIA.

The HHSAA tournament is about showcasing the states best league teams and getting a good cross section of teams represented. It is not about having the best 12 or 8 teams in the state. This should not be the goal of the tournament.

Again, let us not use the economic issue as an excuse to pass hidden agendas of the past.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tagalicod set to play for another Coach Cooper

Vicky Tagalicod, the BIIF’s most prominent female basketball player to dawn a Hilo High Viking uniform leaves for California in a few weeks. She will take some summer courses and expect to train at the multi million dollar sports facility at USC. USC Women’s Coach Mark Trakh resigned and was replaced by Michael Cooper.

Cooper comes with a lot of playing and coaching experience. Cooper played for the vaunted “Showtime” Los Angeles Lakers of the 80’s, where he helped them win five NBA Championships. His NBA career lasted 12 years as he played with players like Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Kurt Rambis and James Worthy. Cooper was known for his defensive skills and was instrumental in shutting down the Lakers opponents’ best scorer. Cooper takes over a USC Women’s program that was 17-12 and reached the conference finals. Cooper also coached in the WNBA where he guided the Los Angeles Sparks to two WNBA Championships in 2001-02. Cooper who has spoken to Tagalicod expects much from the much heralded freshman. Tagalicod was a three time all State first team player and also a fab 15 state selection. She also was named first team BIIF three years. While playing for Hilo High School, she played three years for assistant coach Gary Cooper (no relation). Gary Cooper was also a good defensive specialist in his playing days. Maybe the two Coopers share more common than we know. For Tagalicod it will be a great opportunity to play for a coach who has played on championship teams and also coached champions

Monday, June 1, 2009

Edwards and Dela Cruz Brought Out the Best In Each Other

Although rivals on the track, Jacob Edwards and Thomas Dela Cruz have benefited from their rivalry in Hawaii High School Hurdles. Jacob Edwards made history for the BIIF leading the small rural school – Ka’u High School to a seventh place finish in the 2009 HHSAA Track & Field Championships. It is the highest finish by the rural high school for team standings. Edwards captured the gold in both the 110 and 300 hurdle events. Capturing silver in both events was Hilo High’s Thomas Dela Cruz.

Dela Cruz sat out his senior year in basketball where he lettered on the varsity squad last year. He wanted to concentrate on track where he had a promising future. Dela Cruz bolstered Hilo High into capturing the HHSAA boys’ bronze team medal (3rd place overall). That was the highest finish for a BIIF school in many years.

All year Dela Cruz and Edwards were neck to neck in competition and changed slots several times at different meets. Both outdistanced the next closest competitors in the BIIF. If it were not for this rivalry, both would have not recorded these best times.

In essence they pushed themselves to the HHSAA one- two finish….in both events. Edwards only a junior most likely has a chance to repeat may go for three, maybe four gold medals next year. However, unless another Dela Cruz steps up to push Edwards, it may not be the same.

Dela Cruz also has ties to the small rural district of Ka’u. Thomas’ father Thomas Dela Cruz senior was a multi sport athlete and amateur boxer from Naalehu and graduated from Ka’u High School.

Like champion boxers Thomas Hearns, Sugar Ray Leonard and Marvin Hagler, Edwards and Dela Cruz needed each other to bring their game to new heights.

Coming out of the small district has been only a small hurdle for these sensational athletes.

Ka'u Connection is Solid -Hawaii Sports Page -Must Read, Athlete ties to the small district

Friday, May 22, 2009

Nakoa and Edwards Shine In HHSAA Track & Field

It was a shining HHSAA meet for BIIF Track & Field qualifiers this past 2009 HHSAA Championships. Ku’uipo Nakoa and Jacob Edwards captured gold for their schools and the BIIF.

The BIIF captured over 34 individual and team medals (1st-6th place). Nakoa captured the Girls Long Jump gold, while Edwards won two golds in the Boys 110 & 300 Hurdle Events. With Nakoa and Edwards returning next year, the future looks bright for the BIIF. Having a familiar bed to rest and home cooked meals always is an advantage as most BIIF track and field athletes found out.

It is always harder to win an HHSAA event on the road. Nakoa and Edwards are multi sport talented athletes, Nakoa also participates in soccer for HPA and Edwards has participated for the Ka’u football team. Also both have entered several events including the triple jump, and sprinting events. Let us congratulate all the BIIF Track and Field Athletes for their tremendous efforts and accomplishments. For list of HHSAA medalists from BIIF go to: HSP Track

Friday, May 1, 2009

UHH vs. HPU Ignites Hitting Fireworks

Former BIIF players Cheyene Hirota and Blake Amaral feasted on the Vulcan pitching in last weekends six game series between the HPU and UHH. Hirota a former Waiakea high standout and All BIIF Amaral were recognized for their recent accomplishments.

Amaral leads the HPU baseball team (as of 04/27) with 38 RBI’s an impressive feat as a freshman. He collected a total 15 RBI’s in the six game series. Amaral broke an HPU record for most RBI’s in a game with 10 in game three. He had one of those special days at the plate going 4 for 5 with a grand slam and triple. He also went 4 for 5 in game five with another two RBI’s.

Hirota was not to be outdone by his Big Island team mate as he outdid Amaral with 17 RBI’s. Hirota went 12 for 20 for the series posting five RBI’s in game 2. He also went 4 for 4 in game six with another 3 RBI’s. For batting over 600% he was chosen as PAC West Baseball Player Of The Week. Hirota also hit a homerun in the same game Amaral hit his. Hirota also had eight runs scored on top of his other impressive weeks accomplishments.

UHH’s Keoni Manago also had a great series as he batted over 652% going 15 for 23 with seven RBI’s. He went 4 for 5 in game two and a pair of 3 for 4 games and hitting 4 for 4 in the fifth game. Manago got serious consideration for PacWest player of the Week honors.

Also of pitching note, Vulcan pitcher Kekoa Lee was honored as PacWest pitcher of the week for his complete game in game 3 giving up no earned runs and seven strikouts. Against the potent bats of HPU, that is an accomplishment. Although HPU won the series 4-2, we can’t wait till next year for these home and home challenges.

Above Photo: HPU's Blake Amaral with Friend Ryan Fukunaga (Hilo High 09) at a Football Game at Aloha Stadium in October 2008

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jack Gifford Was A Big Island Philanthropist

Jack Gifford who was the major contributor to the Kalae Iki baseball Clinics died of an apparent heart attack on January 13th, 2009. Gifford amassed a fortune in the analog chip industry and founded the chip maker company Maxim Integrated Products.

Gifford graduated from UCLA and invited many of the Division I coaches whom he developed a relationship with. He was instrumental in getting them here and making the Kalae Iki Baseball Clinic one of Hawaii’s premiere baseball clinics.

The foundations of Jack Gifford and Betty Kanuha, Joey Estrella (UHH Vulcan Baseball Coach), and the County of Hawaii gave Hawaii youths exposure to some of the top notch college minds. His monetary contribution to this camp made it possible for these coaches and their families to enjoy the Kona and Waikoloa coast while giving baseball players in Hawaii first notch information.

Division I coaches like Sam Piraro (San Jose State), Mark Marques (Stanford), Mark O’Brien (Santa Clara), John Savage (UCLA), Tom Myers (UC Santa Barbara), Ed Sprague (Pacific University), and Chad Konishi (UH Pitching Coach) made it an annual summer trek to the Big Island. This made it the most potent, concentration of baseball minds to assemble in Hawaii at the same time.

The clinic also helped parents in preparing students for possibly playing at the college level. The Clinic also had a message for kids to keep your grades up and make use of your time wisely and not waste it on things like; TV, IPOD, cell phones and other modern distractions.

Gifford earned a scholarship to play baseball at UCLA where he played alongside former head coach Gary Adams, whom made it to the Kalae Iki camp. Gifford also generously supported the University of Hawaii-Hilo baseball program, as well as several California college baseball programs including; Stanford, California, Santa Clara, San Jose State, and UCLA.

Gifford most recently funded the construction of the UCLA’s Jack and Rhodine Gifford Hitting Facility, a state of the art batting practice complex on the campus of UCLA.

The Giffords whom have a home in Kona loved the Big Island and spent most of their time here. The baseball clinic will probably continue but Kona has lost one of it’s most giving individuals and baseball has lost one of it's most passionate ambassadors.

Gifford was 68, and is survived by wife Rhodine, and three daughters – Laural Lynch, Tracy Jones, and Jacquelyn Disney.
Links to Jack Gifford Stories: Jack Gives Back
UCLA Golf Page Maxim Founder Jack Gifford

Monday, April 6, 2009

Kudo's To The King

Pole Vaulting in Hawaii may not be a huge sport or have a huge following, but at Hilo High School it is large. Hilo High Track coaches Bill McMahon and Sherman Viernes have coached the State’s best.

Last year HHSAA girls pole vault champion Daysha Viernes (Hilo High 08) put girls pole vault on the map in the BIIF. Pole Vaulting has virtually no large following here in the BIIF and escapes most sports fans in general. However, pole vaulting requires upper body strength, quick running ability, timing and a strong back and core. In other words the whole body working in harmony. Hilo High school track program now is priming two of the best Pole Vaulters in the BIIF for an HHSAA title, David King and Scott Hunter. David King just cleared an amazing 15 feet. Just how large of a vault is that? Well, consider that the 2009 HHSAA Track high for the pole vault was 12’-06”. The 15'-0" feet is a whopping 2’-06” higher than that mark. That jump is considered a BIIF record (could not verify this). Now the last time we checked the national pole vaulting record for high school is 18’-03”. Now 15 feet is not very far off. Could this be the beginning of new records for Hawaii? Let’s wish the best for Scott Hunter, David King, of Hilo High and Caleb Friel of Kamehameha in their quest to pole vault the BIIF on to new heights!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wong Launches UH Into Sweep Of LMU

Kolten Wong of Hilo hit three homers Sunday (March 15) to assist the UH offense to a 6-5 victory over Loyola Marymount University. What is the significance of this monumental feat? Well Kolten Wong has never hit more than two homers since T-Ball. Even as a potent batter in High School, he has never hit more than two.

Les Murakami Stadium has never seen the likes. A pitcher’s ball park that has always deterred right handed high school prospects into not coming to UH. We may be seeing something special in Wong becoming a prolific college hitter. His dad (Kaha Wong) has instructed him since he could walk and he has coached some of the best BIIF players including Blake Amaral (HPU) and Kevin Seaver (Chico State). In fact some current BIIF players on the Hilo High team are currently being scouted by MLB teams due to his part in teaching the hard hitting style to these players.

Now, we must give some credit to the current UH hitting instructor, coach Komeiji. Of course it is not the easiest situation for coach Komeiji, when you have a successful hitting father and instructor. Rumors have it, that they have had their differences already. You could see a difference in the elbow being tucked in on Wong this season versus last year’s high school season. His elbow was more in a power position feasting on slower paced high school pitching.

However, the reason for the change, has gotten him ready for the high 80- 90 mph pitching he is going to see on a regular basis playing Division I baseball. UH fans don’t care who gets the credit, we just love the way the team is playing and how some little power on the top of the line up creates winning!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

DeRego and Mins Proved Champions

It wasn’t long ago that Pii Mins and Auwae DeRego from the Kamehameha-Kapalama 2009 HHSAA Champions were treking along with Uncle Randy Gambil (Honokaa Asst Coach), as Coach Gambil was taking them to some of the top 3 on 3 tournaments on the Big Island. Auwae Derego, Pii Mins, Chris Gambil, Ho'okela Freitas and Mika Nikel (HPA & Honokaa) were the team Waimea Knights. Mins also came to Hilo for the Winter Classic hosted by the County of Hawaii and put together by Hi-Pal coordinator Dennis “Fresh” Onishi. Mins played for the team “Hoops Pa’ain’a" coached by Jeff Won. Jeff Won won every tournament on Oahu, and the Big Island and went on to win many tournaments in Las Vegas and Japan. The parents of that Hoops Pa’ina team worked hard at some of the UH Basketball game concessions making it affordable to travel to Japan. Won’s team players dismantled into high school with Mins going to Kamehameha-Kapalama and some players going to Mid Pacific. Mins’ teams had some classic matches with the Gameboyz Basketball programs coached by David Aspili, Wade Ishibashi, Steve Fukunaga, and Kaimi Chung, a program of Big Island players including Kawika Cazimero, Vicky Tagalicod, Makana Cazimero, Ryan Fukunaga, Isaac Chung, Haku Ishibashi, Matthew Libao.

Hoops Pa’aina and the Gameboyz made it to the title game of the 2001 Honoulu Hi-Pal Christmas Classic. Hoops Pa’ina would also have classic match ups and lose to the Bears team coached by Mark Saito. That Bears team included, TJ Yasuhara, Collin Cabatbat, Chandler Kaaa, Hogan Rosehill, and Ryan Higa. Mins and DeRego showed much promise already at that young age.

DeRego travelled the road to Kamehameha-Kapalama then to Honokaa High School and then back to Kamehameha-Kapalama. A tragic fishing accident claimed the life Auwae’s brother, a life changing event that made Auwae more determined and focused to better his life and play with purpose. You could see that in Auwae’s game this weekend. Although he was not the offensive scoring machine, you knew he was the physical leader that Kamehameha needed to overcome the bigger and taller Kahuku. De Rego’s inside presence along with team mate Micah Chritiansen was a force that altered the finishing Red Raiders shots.

Micah Christiansen is the son of Bob Christiansen and Charlene Kahuanui UHH Volleball standout. Charlene Kahuanui-Christiansen was a member of the 1981 NAIA and AIAW Champions. Both met while being student athletes here in Hilo. Kahuku had one of the best OIA teams in many moon and it was a classic match up with Kamehameha-Kapalama. Jray Galeai one of the most athletically gifted players to come out of Kahuku since Junior Ale, did some awesome things in the HHSAA tourney. Nehoa Akina also shown some shooting brilliance for the Red Raiders. However, it was Mins, DeRego, Christiansen and all of the Warriors that came through at the end to cap off a memorable basketball season.

It was fun to watch these young athletes grow up in front of the Big Island eyes and exciting to watch them capture a most deserving championship trophy!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Konawaena Won Championship With 24/7 Mentality

The Wildcat program of Konawaena hoists up, yet another HHSAA Girls Basketball trophy. How fitting for a program that has defied the odds that population counts. In a smaller population market such as upper mauka Kona and Kealakekua areas of the Big Island, Konawaena has overachieved. The 2009 HHSAA Championship was won several months ago. The High School season is just a continuation of the program the Wildcats have.

The Awa’s (Bobbie and Donnie) started the Stingrays several years ago and is the nucleus of the Wildcats success. With now an army of coaches and alumni (boys and girls) helping, the program may reach a pinnacle of supremacy in the whole state.

The girls enter several tournaments throughout the year and practice religiously, and that includes Sunday, in which the Konawaena gym is opened up for the community to hone their skills. The Onizuka gym is filled with Wildcats and Wildcat wannabes, most times numbering close to 40-50 players.

The Girls always play with and against the Konawaena (Stingray) boys. This has made the girls more physical and play at a quicker pace offensively and defensively.

The high school season (3 months) is just a blip in the Wildcats all year round 24/7 basketball game and practice schedule the Stingrays program provides. The system works, and evolved due to the low number of basketball teams (youth and feeder teams) the West side of the Big Island has. The East side (Hilo, Hamakua, Puna) out numbers the West side of the island in terms of players and youth teams. The East side probably has 5-8 times more youth teams than the West side. That is where the Awa's had to be creative and evolve and make their program 24/7. But what evolved is a more concentrated group of dedicated and committed players than the larger groups on the Eastside. The Eastside youth teams funnel into more teams (Hilo, Waiakea, Keaau, St Joseph and Kamehameha), thus the players don't have the same continuity and chemistry that the Stingrays have, with the exceptions of Honokaa (Paauilo) and Pahoa.

The Awa family also has taken advantage of every basketball event the Big Island offers, including the 3 on 3 tournament the County and New Hope puts on. Every club tournament on the Eastside almost always has a team from the Stingrays. The World Youth Basketball Tourney (high school division) hosted in Konawaena has been a training ground for the 7-8th grade players. The Stingrays have gone to Oahu, Maui and Las Vegas and other states pursuing experience and skill enhancing.

The Stingrays have used local resources such as former UHH Coach Jimmy Yagi and skills coach Dennis Agena to give their community a taste of some of the best basketball minds in the State. Their program is ohana. When they travel to Hilo for a tournament, they usually stay at a hotel for the weekend sharing rooms and meals together, becoming closer, and actually that is the secret. The bond and chemistry they have for each other is phenomenal. Some of the Stingrays have played together for 10-13 years since they were five. You can’t coach that.

The Wildcat program eats, sleeps and plays basketball together 24/7, a recipe to success!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hirota and Amaral Leading Charge of HPU in Hilo Homecoming

Cheynne Hirota and Blake Amaral will be having some home cooking, family hugs and handshakes with friends and relatives this weekend when they take on the UHH Vulcans. Cheynne Hirota has come full circle and is having a monster senior year for the Sea Warriors.

First Baseman Hirota a Waiakea High baseball standout is one of HPU’s leading hitters thus far in 2009, posting 15 hits in 22 at bats for a hefty 682 batting average. Hirota has also scored eight runs. Before transferring to HPU, Hirota took the JUCO route going to Shoreline Community College in Washington playing for Coach Steve Seki, former Hawaii resident. In Washington, Hirota performed and made first team for the NWAACC North Division. Last season for the Sea Warriors, Hirota batted .270 with 6 doubles, one home run and 20 RBI’s. He started in 24 games as a junior.

Former Kamehameha Warrior, Amaral has broken into the starting lineup as the left fielder. He is batting .370 with 10 hits in 27 at bats while batting in 9 RBI’s. Amaral has had to make an adjustment in left field, where he will be utilized on defense. Amaral was a first team selection for the BIIF last year and was the Warriors one two punch with team mate Kolten Wong (UH, CF).

Royce Ebesu (Hilo High 07) is also on the HPU roster and will add pitching depth to the Sea Warriors. Other former BIIF players on the Vulcan roster in this weeks six game marathon are Mathew Hassenritter (Hilo 05), John Holley Jr (Pahoa 07), Casey Koizumi (Hilo 07), Sheldon Otsuka (Waiakea 06), and Cade Uyetake (Hilo 07). Hassenritter is enjoying a fast start and is hitting .417, with 10 hits in 24 at bats. Otsuka a Waiakea standout, also took the JUCO route similar to Hirota and also performed successfully at Hartnell College in California before transferring back to UH-Hilo. Otsuka will be counted on to provide depth to the Vulcan pitching staff along with Koizumi and Holley whom seen action last season as freshmen. For BIIF fans it will be an interesting homecoming for former BIIF baseball players and supporters. Let’s enjoy it!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

State Run University System Needs To Look At Local Applicants Intently

If our own Universities here in Hawaii don’t hire the top executive positions with local people, what chance do local people have. Local people here have struggled to attain a higher education since plantation days. There has been a huge growth in every culture to break away and create opportunities to get an education and move ahead economically. Like every culture here in Hawaii, there are those that wish to live a simpler life, yet there are those that venture out to seek greener pastures or a greater calling. Local Hawaii talent from locals here struggle, to get their fair shot sometimes.

The odds decrease for opportunities as the locals move further from Hawaii. However, there are some great truly inspiring stories of local Hawaii people making a difference on the mainland and around the world. However, how can a state run institution of higher learning, paid by taxes of hard working Hawaii people be denied the top positions of our institutions? Look at the track record. These executives we hire to these top positions have not really impressed us with their experience.

We have qualified local individuals within our University system with the experience and education to do a bang up job. But the University system has built in protective ways to ensure we hire mainland executives. How and why this is? If no one gives opportunities, how is one going to get the required experience? The University of Hawaii system is not a private institution. It could and should change this process. There were 80 applicants to the UHH Athletic Directors Position, many of which were from our community. Now they want to extend the deadline to look for that magic income magnet of a person. Now the income of the UHH position is not on par with most major universities AD positions. There is a red flag that needs to go up, if someone with vast experience is attracted to such a salary. You are not going to get a top notch AD who is happy and content to take over a stumbling economic athletic program.

Why the delay? Perhaps they have already stereotyped who they want? Someone who has connections with the Chancellor, or delaying this will be economically advantageous to the interim AD? Bottom line the applications are in, the deadline is past, now time to choose the best applicant. Hopefully they will see the best suited person should be someone of local origin, someone who knows the community of Hawaii.

The new AD should have a grasp of sports in Hawaii, the local economy, someone who is going to stay here and makes a life here. Not someone who is going to try to see if they like it here.
Hawaii has made great strides since the plantation oppression days. However, our University system still and will not hire a local for their top positions, this discrimination must be overcome. If Barack Obama can make it to the presidency, surely there are more qualified local applicants abound.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Did BJ Penn Lose, Fair and Square, to GSP?

"Fair and square," is an idiom that means when someone wins something they follow the rules and win conclusively. GSP did not win his match with BJ Penn in a "fair and square" fashion. It doesn't matter whose fault it was, something very unfair happened. A fighter had someone in his corner apply lubricant to his body, in a fight where wrestling is a factor, in a match for the championship of the world. BJ Penn, in all likelihood, took a number shots to the head that he might otherwise have avoided, if GSP had not been oiled up –making him harder to hold onto.

Will a number of headshots turn a fight in a different direction? They certainly can. For the Championship of the World, for the coveted title, for the pinnacle of all achievements in the fight game, a match must be as "fair and square" as possible. Not to mention that BJ Penn's camp warned the officials BEFORE than match that GSP might be oiled up –and sure enough, look what they were caught doing DURING the match. This is not OK. This is, in my opinion conditions for the harshest of sanctions. Not just on behalf BJ Penn, but for the sport and the fans. GSP might have won under any circumstances, but we'll never know (until the rematch), as in this particular case, someone in GSP's camp did something that is absolutely and undeniably illegal.

Mr. White, you cannot tolerate ANY kind of cheating in your Octagon. No drugs, no sharp instruments, nothing to obstruct vision, no weighted gloves, and no oil. Please, for the sport, vacate the welterweight title, ban GSP's corner-man from the sport, call the fight a "no contest," and implement a strict testing policy, before and during fights, to keep competitors from cheating with oil.

Tom Callos

Interesting High School Basketball Poll Issued on 2/10/09

The Honolulu Advertiser announced their latest State Girls and Boys Basketball polls and it is seems a little peculiar. Farrington sits atop the Girls Poll with a 12-0 record ahead of Punahou. Farrington got 6 first place votes compared to 5 for Punahou. Interestingly, Konawaena with a 10-0 record and defending state champion is harboring a number four position. Lahainaluna, the MIL undefeated is ahead of Kona at number three. Waiakea girls made the top ten coming in sitting at nine. In the boys poll, Kahuku another OIA undefeated (10-0) sits in the top position with 7 first place votes. Kamehameha with an 8-1 record had four first place votes. Iolani is in third followed by Kaimuki (4). Waiakea the BIIF boys leader comes in at number eight. MIL undefeated Baldwin boys makes it a number 10. We all know that the last poll of the season is what really counts, but this is the first time in many moons that the two OIA teams sits atop the polls late in the season for both the girls and boys. Unseating the ILH in both divisions in the HHSAA will be a task, but the HHSAA tournament looks to have a different look this year.

Link to Honolulu Advertiser Poll

Friday, January 23, 2009

New DI & DII Schedule Making It Exciting In BIIF BB

Here we are in the midst of the BIIF Boys Basketball season and both races in DI & DII are heating up. Kealakehe defeated Waiakea last night and there is a logjam of teams with two losses. In the DII division, Kohala has gone through round one undefeated, beating Ka’u and St Joseph. With St Joseph having two losses, it almost forces the Cardinals to win against Ka’u and Pahoa in round two. Although Kohala is definitely in the driver’s seat, strange things can and usually happens in the wacky BIIF.

Ka’u is still in the race with one loss, and Pahoa has a very long outside shot, but could prove to be a spoiler. As we head into the second half of the season, the Boys DI Basketball title will be decided with the team that has three losses or less. In the Girls division, Konawaena seems to be running away (Literally) with the title. However, Keaau, Hilo and Waiakea still have an outside shot of catching Kona. To do that they will have to hope, someone figures out how to slow down the transition game and tenacious defense of the Wildcats.

If the second half goes the way of the first, then the rest of the girls BIIF DI teams have to hope they do not face Konawaena in the BIIF Tournament, or it could be a quick exit.
In BIIF DII Girls division, HPA upset Kamehameha and are in the driver’s seat in round one and will meet the Warriors again. If this were 2008, HPA would be definitely looking at a solid regular season title. But with this new exciting DI and DII schedule, Kamehameha has another shot at redemption. The next two weeks should be very exciting in BIIF basketball, hang on to your hats.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bob Wagner the Sensible Choice For UHH AD

It’s time to choose who will be the new UHH AD. Trumbo, McNally era ends a new begins. The current financial situation for UHH Athletics is in dire need of fixing and repairing. The current economic woes with tourism dollars shrinking will add to the current problem. Now, not knowing too much about the other two finalists it would be hard to ascertain if they are good choices. However, we believe Bob Wagner make the most sense. The current AD will have to be a fund raiser. NO and if or buts. Now there was a lot of excitement that Kathleen McNally brought when she was hired from the mainland and there were expectations of her as a major fundraiser. However, those expectations came up short.

We know Hawaii is in the middle of the pacific with its different business cultural environment and practices. Majority of the businesses are smaller in general. Hence, who better to gather the allegiance of the business community than a former UH Coach Bob Wagner. Wagner has the ties on the Big Island due to him being a resident here at Kamehameha. He has a presence, and who could forget him giving us victories over BYU!

He still has ties with NA KOA the UH Warrior Football Boosters and many business owners on Oahu. In addition, I assume he has made a few friends with Kamehameha Schools and Bishop Estate. He has more experience than the interim AD, and will run a good ship. He is a known quantity with a lot of connections and friends. A brand new AD from the mainland is not the sensible solution in this economic situation; it will take 3-4 years for a new mainland AD to establish business connections.

UHH better not drop this pass or fumble this situation by making the same mistake twice. Let’s move to put Bob Wagner in charge of the UHH athletic department for the betterment of UHH Athletics and the community!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Free Market System Destroying Sports In America

As news spread of Mark Teixeira signing a big contract with the New York Yankees, sports fans wondered how far is this going to go? America is the land of opportunity and free enterprise. No longer do you have to manage a good ball club to build an empire. You do it with business savvy. Now we know that the Yankees signing of the big three of Sabathia, Burnett, and now Teixeira doesn't guarantee a championship, right?

But it does guarantee people in the seats, and a ton of merchandise. A lineup that will be similar to an all star team. Adding those three to an already stacked team will make the E Empire the envy of modern sports. It seems that this move is risky business if the Yankees don't win the championship, they already have. Not the world series type but the revenue champion. You see, clearly all the young impressional generation coming up will start to join the dark side. When they become buying units as adults, the empire wins in the form of merchandising and allegiance.

Get them while they are young. Advertisers and sponsors will follow also. The salaries owners are dishing out have outpaced inflation so much it reminds me of everything that is surrounding our economic circumstance. A BIG FREE MARKET BUBBLE that must contract somewhere, sometime in the near future. We saw it in the internet, real estate, mortgages, and now sports. Something has to give. Fans can not go on indefinitely supporting the money that goes into sports.

College sports is big business, there are a few institutions and conferences that monopolize the money and keep the power in their grasps. Is this what college sports should be about. With the advent of cable tv and now high definition, revenue from these delivery systems will endow these schools and conferences even more. Advertisers, however will be curtailed as the economy slows down. Advertisers are the ones that foot the bill for College sports. Consumers buying these advertiser's products are what is driving the revenue.

If the economy slows down, then this may cause a domino effect, causing revenue in professional sports and college sports to a screaching halt. Hence another bubble burst, then how are those salaries going to get paid? Capitulation, reverting back to sanely salaries that made sense. Time for sports in America to get back on track and figure out - why we play the game? Money sometimes yes, but insane money, no!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Two Former Hawaii Football Heroes Tied To UH Offense

It was a spectacular week for two familiar faces of Hawaii Football. Paul Johnson, head coach of Georgia Tech and Oregon’s QB Jeremiah Masoli.

Now, let’s start with Paul Johnson, if you were a die hard fan of the Rainbows back in the 80 -90’s you remember Johnson as the offensive coordinator for Bob Wagner’s offense. Wagner’s most heralded move in his UH coaching career. Johnson’s spread option offense made a spectacle of the WAC’s defenses. It became the savior that would take UH fans and the program to the next level. To be the best in the WAC you had to beat BYU, and until then you were just second rate. Well, then came Johnson’s coveted offense. The offense that had won Johnson a couple of National Championships at Georgia Southern, an offense that helped defeat BYU, not once, but twice and pushed UH Football into another stratosphere. Something Dick Tomey, Wagner’s predecessor could not achieve. Oh they came close so many times...

When Wagner left UH so did Paul. He found greener pastures at Navy. Unfortunately for Wagner he ended up at UTEP. Johnson took a mediocre program and turned it into a winner. Beating their armed forces rivals year in and year out. He had an astounding 11-1 record versus Army and Air Force. Oh by the way he also led a mediocre team to defeat Notre Dame. Fast Forward to 2008, taking a Georgia Tech Team that was supposed to have a losing season and finish at best in the middle of the ACC. On Saturday facing the preseason number one team, the Rambling Wreck side railed a proud Georgia team.

A proud Georgia program that exalted over rated jeers at UH in the 08 Sugar Bowl. Johnson has taken the GT offense with no seniors to number one in offense in the ACC averaging 377 yards and 3rd nationally in Rushing Offense (282). GT ended a seven year losing hiatus to Georgia, sound familiar? Johnson is in the discussions as possible national coach of the year (already been named ACC coach of the year). He has our vote. Skip to several years in UH offense (please exclude the Von Oppen era) to June Jones. Jones offense was different than the spread option attack of Johnson, and relied more on the pass versus the run. I believe in college sports you have to practice crop rotation. If you stay too long in one type of offense the conference figures out how to stop your attack and you head to mediocrity. Hence, bring in the option, then rotate to the run and shoot and then back to the option etc......

What about this Masoli, who is he? Born of Samoan ancestry grew up in Northern California, started as an offensive lineman but later converted to quarterback. His family later moved to Honolulu. He played Quarterback for St. Louis sharing time with Cameron Higgins now at Weber State, Masoli was also a Hawaii all state basketball player. After graduating from St Louis he went on to play at City College of San Francisco.

Wait, this Masoli story kind of ties it all together. June Jones tried to recruit Masoli as a defensive back, but Masoli was determined to play QB. Masoli led the City College of San Francisco to a National Junior College Championship in 2007 and threw for 3,065 yards and 26 touchdowns and 349 completions. He would then transfer to Oregon and fight for a right to play among half a dozen good qb prospects. Coming out of camp he was not a starter but someone high on the depth chart.

After some injuries to their starters the Ducks inserted Masoli and the rest is history. He has earned his spot. This Saturday in the biggest game of the season for Oregon and Oregon State, Masoli completed 7 for 11 passes, 274 yards and 3 touchdowns leading the ducks to a 65-38 win.

Wait how is Masoli tied to this story. Doesn’t City College of San Francisco sound familiar? Isn’t that the JC where Nick Rolovich went to and set several passing records and spent the last couple of years coaching and grooming JC QB’s to four year programs? The same Nick Rolovich that set some UH records and is the current QB coach at UH? Yes, it is and now you know the rest of the story……

Saturday, November 8, 2008

They're Grrreat!!

The Waipio Baseball Little League World Champions are featured on the cereal box Frosted Flakes-by Kellogg’s. Tony the Tiger step aside here are the gentlemen from Hawaii. Go get your collectors items now! Wow, we could not resist the urge to buy a box. KTA superstores have a coupon you can get it for $3.99 a box. We bought one just to support the efforts by Kellogg’s. Great idea, I don’t think they are related to the Wheaties box or General Mills. Also support Brian Clay who is featured on the Wheaties box that features himself and US Gymnast Nastia Liukin.

The Clay and Waipio story could never get old for us here in Hawaii. Ten years from now, you could probably get a cool hundred dollars for the boxes. Not a bad investment for $3.99. But we bought just to support little league and Bryan, so next year Kellogg’s will do it again. Oh by the way, the back of the Kellogg’s box is cool too. They feature all the regional little league champions. Go get them while supplies last. GO Bryan and Waipio!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Flyin Hawaiian Doin It In Fine Style

The pointing at dad in the 6th row as he began his trot around the bases after blasting a game changing grand slam, a proud father with welled up eyes as tears rolled down his face, yes, as the father’s memories flashed before him. All those years of trudging down the baseball fields on Maui, becoming a volunteer coach, league officer, fundraiser, or a parent who felt obligated to do whatever it was to make the community better. The Victorinos are putting Hawaii again on the baseball map. Shane Victorino is just having a grand season.

Michael Victorino who left Hilo nearly 30 years ago to make a better life for him is living on cloud nine. A very busy worker. he’s been an Insurance agent, board of education reperesentative, and now councilman. Earlier in the season, he flew up to see Shane when they played against the Oakland Athletics with Kurt Suzuki catching. He could not miss two Maui boys doing it in Oakland. It wasn’t long ago when an Oahu team from Waipio shocked the little league world in capturing the coveted title of World Champion. Also the Junior Little league world runner up Hilo team garnered and upped Hawaii as a state with quality baseball players.

Benny Agbayani and Sid Fernandez were the last Hawaii impact players to take center stage in the World Series. Shane Victorino has shown that he plays with a passion for the game and has produced. The whole state is now watching with much interest. Sales of Victorino jerseys will now be soaring with young Hawaii kids wearing them proudly. The states MLB team will now be the Phillys akin to the state adopting the San Francisco 49ers in the 80’s when players with Hawaii ties Joe Montana, Jesse Sapolu, Dana Mclemore, and Verlon Redd lined up.

Maui Na Ka Oi as they say, yes indeed………

Friday, September 26, 2008

Size Does Matter

Size in this case was an advantage. Were talking about all of 5-6 Oregon State Running Back Jacquizz Rodgers. Rodgers ran all over USC in the Beavers upset on September 25. Jacquizz finished with 185 yards on what was supposed to be one of the best USC defenses in years.

Jacquizz was a Houston Prep legend rushing for more than 6,760 yards in three years in Rosenberg Texas. He is listed as 185 lbs and runs a 4.6 or 4.5-40 yard dash, not lightning fast but pretty quick. In the game versus the Trojans, Jacquizz used his smaller size to hide behind his big line and then spun or jetted through on some stutter or misdirection moves. Just when you thought USC had him behind the line he squirted through like a slippery bar of soap for 6-8 yards. Only a freshman, Jacquizz could become the next running back to capture the hearts of all the undersized football players across the nation.

How could you not root for someone like him. Will Jacquizz stop here? Or will he go on to larger things. Especially if the Beavers attack relies solely on run first and pass second. Jacquizz definitely plays the game with a passion and is fun to watch. Maybe the PAC-10 has found it’s bright spot. The PAC-10 needs a star like Jacquizz after a not so spectacular non conference start this year.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

BIIF Loses A Big Asset

Father Kenneth Bray who was one of Iolani's monumental coaches of the past believed in playing as one team, a philosophy still being taught at the school. Ken Yamase believed in that philosophy and cited it when teaching the American Sports Education Program's (ASEP) Coaching Principles class. Most of the BIIF coaches had to take the class to be certified to coach in the BIIF.

Yamase would cite Bray's philosophy "Respect yourself and others, play as one with unity, loyalty and humility. A philosophy he says he believed in and practiced. He challenged each coach to develop a coaching philosophy and adhere to it. Yamase who died while diving in Puako, August 28, 2008 was a big asset that the BIIF lost. Under his leadership as the BIIF executive director things got done and moved along. Yamase spoke out recently at the HHSAA meeting citing a discrepancy in the way the body weighs making decisions. Under current methods he stated the larger leagues had a substantial advantage due to their weight in the voting process.

Respect yourself and others
Yamase was a BIIF Director that had a very open door policy. He would address your concern or question and listen intently. His answer to you would be justified by the "WHY". Usually his explanation made things clearer and usually answered your question. Yamase would get back to everyone either in writing, office invitation or phone call. This equal respect to everyone, regardless of complaint, or concern was how Yamase conducted his business. People got answers or assistance quick and prompt a characteristic of Yamase that made him known as a doer.

Play as One with Unity
Yamase also believed in having everyone involved in the BIIF. He got the media together every quarter and made a champions banquet for all the BIIF champion athletes. His vision was to bring everyone closer as a unit with unity. Yamase groomed his baseball teams also as a unit. He would make no exceptions for being late. If you were late you could not practice. In some cases, if it was a practice before a game and if a player missed that practice that player would not start. He would mention that late players would be running with shoes in hand and jumping over fences just to make it in time. An urgency you do not see today.

Play with loyalty and humility
Yamase also believed in loyalty, he was very loyal to Waiakea High School and was very prideful to the school. When he was AD there, he had built it into one of the most successful athletic programs in the BIIF. If you walk into the Waiakea Gym and pass their trophy showcase and wall of fame, you see that pride built with Yamase's passion and loyalty. Yamase usually expressed his dislike for arrogance in coaching and in education. Sometimes he would comment about that in his coaching class. Win with dignity and humility, in other words be humble. A mantra passed on from generations past that he practiced. Although some people misinterpreted his busy moving personality as being aloof, you got a different person when you spoke to him personally.

Yamase built a legacy as a coach, athletic director and a league executive. In his tenure at all positions things were not all perfect and there were some players, coaches and administrators that did not understand his philosophy. But Yamase adhered to his philosophy because he knew it was right thing to do and would benefit the league, school or team the best.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Hawaii Athletes Makes the Most in August

08 / 08 will be remembered in Hawaii Sports Lore for a long time. 08 is a good luck number in the Asian Culture. Hawaii being populated with more Asians than any other state made a splash of their own in some of the headline sports. In the Olympics, homegrown Brian Clay captured gold in the Decathlon, a phenomenal feat for any American. Natasha Kai and Clay Stanley also captured gold in Womens Soccer and Mens Volleyball. By the way all three are products of public schools. (Castle, Kahuku and Kaiser). Some former Hawaii and Rainbow Volleyball Wahines got silver for their accomplishments including Heather Bown, Robyn Ah Mow-Santos, Lindsey Berg, and Kim Willoughby. Let’s not forget Parker McLachlin’s legends Reno-Tahoe Mens Golf Title putting Hawaii on the Men’s PGA scene and the Hilo Juniors Little league title run coming one game within a championship. To top it off lets put a cherry on the Hawaiian Pineapple Sundae as the Waipio Little League 12 & under team won the Little League championship over Mexico before a national audience. Daryl Huff of KITV said it the best when he mentioned that the secret behind the Waipio Little League teams success was because of the team behind the team. The families and supporters (practically the whole state of Hawaii).

You could say that about Hawaii, It’s uniqueness of support for any athlete or team that competes away from home. We like to call it Hawaiian Pride. The pride of coming from a small island. You know, the us against the world attitude stemming from humble plantation beginnings. The prejudice of being too small, playing against nominal competition, stuck in the middle of Pacific, and not having the tools, or passing the eyeball test.

On ESPN during the Little League 12U World Series Championship game, Georgia’s Dalton Carriker (2007’s LLWS hero) was to comment about the Louisiana’s shortstop Kennon Fontenot. This appeared when it seemed Waipio was going to lose 5-1 in the bottom of the sixth. Carriker quoted that Fontenot was a five tool player….. Now, if you know about the MLB scouting jargon, a tool is an athletic measurement. Tools such as Speed, Power, and Arm Strength and so on… are assessed on upper level baseball prospects. Wow, Carriker only 14 and already knows the jargon. BUT someone forgot the other five important tools that sometimes gets overlooked and not taught enough but usually determines a champion.

Commitment & Desire to Accomplish
Hard work

All tools the majority Hawaii athlete’s posses. If any college recruiters out there reading this try giving our Hawaii Kids a chance and you will see… That Hawaii has unique athletes. We might not pass the eyeball test or have all five tools but they will pass the heart test.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Caray Was The Original Cable Guy

It was a sad day in Major League Baseball as one of the best announcers in cable TV died. Skip Caray was the voice of the Atlanta Braves. For those of us that grew up in the antenna days of TV you would come to appreciate the world of cable television. When cable came to most towns and America, It was probably the most appreciated thing happening to sports television since sliced cheese. There was a wealthy man with a vision to capture the world by connecting them to 24 hours news and programming via cable. Cable began as a small television market. Ted Turner had a vision that the world would be ready for world news and sports. Thus came CNN or Cable News Network and his WTBS broadcast cable stations.

However, Ted also bought a baseball team. Ted's team was the Atlanta Braves. Claudell Washington, Phil Niekro, Glenn Hubbard, Bob Horner, Chris Chambliss, and Dale Murphy were some of the players that come to mind. Believe it or not Ted gave a young manager a chance to manage one of the Atlanta teams, he came out to be one hell of a manager, oh by the way his name is Joe Torre. But this team was special; it became America's team. How, well with cable television growing by leaps and bounds in the mid to late 70's people knew these players and team better than their own hometown team. How was this possible? Cable television and Ted Turner.

If you were growing up in Hawaii, and you are 50 years old and above you remember the days of black and white television. You probably are not too keen with there being only one or two stations that came in regularly by rabbit ears or that big metal ornament above the roof line. Hey, there were great a many memories of dad yelling "turn it a little more", or "Whoa, whoa, go back just a little bit", as you were turning the metal ornament known as the antenna in the rain or in the dark. You were lucky to get a baseball game once a week. The teams you would see were not your favorite. Cable changed that, with WTBS you could now see most of the National League teams face off against the Braves and it was clear color! Even with the cable technology, you still had to have a good product for the Atlanta Braves broadcasts. Those broadcasts delivered the goods by a son of the most heralded announcers in major league baseball, Harry Caray.

Harry's son Skip began what was to be the start of Cable's first big broadcasts. The Braves came in to everyone's living room. Especially here in Hawaii with no professional baseball team since the Hawaii Islanders left town. The Braves became our team. It was weird or special to watch MLB during lunch or in the morning versus of waiting for the weekend.

Skip Caray's voice was not as flamboyant as his father's in Chicago, yet it was soothing and yet interesting. Locals would compare it local sports announcer Don Robbs. Caray, would be, believe it or not one of MLB's most visible broadcaster and baseball ambassadors. Caray was there before ESPN or other cable stations. He set the standard, making baseball enjoyable and interesting. He actually made the ratings work for MLB on cable.

Fulton County stadium would not be the same without Caray at the broadcast. Caray started a generation of baseball lovers in Hawaii. Believe it or not he may be one of the most inspirational baseball personalities in Hawaii Baseball. His counter part on the broadcast was Pete Van Wieren, a younger voice that made the broadcast have a southern feel. The two were classy broadcasters, usually never getting controversial or raising negative issues or comments. Yet they knew the game and knew the players very well. They actually taught us viewers a lot about baseball.
Skip and Harry must be broadcasting for heaven's team now. But Skip must be honored for his contributions to cable television and MLB. He along with Ted Turner must be credited with fueling baseball interest in all of Hawaii. We will miss Skip……..

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Junior Varsity Sports Is a Means To Better Youths

Junior Varsity sports may not be considered a major high school activity by many fans. However, the participants are more than the opening show for most of the varsity fan fare. Most accomplished athletes have gone through the passage of this at one time. Some great athletes have gone straight to Varsity, but it is more of an anomaly, than the norm. Why are JV sports such a vital part of the adolescence stage? For one thing, it is the aspiration that it brings out in youths. You see JV sports not only affects ninth and tenth graders in High School, but it affects students as young as 7-8. How is this? Well, most aspiring 7-8 year olds dream of playing someday on the same field or court that their parents or relative has dragged them to. You know, the first taste of a real big crowd and intense game is at the high school level. These youngsters get a feel and taste and develop a desire to play at the next level.

The very first taste of the next level. The level in which there is an elimination process, a competitive process. If there were no JV then there would be thousands of youths whose dreams would be gone. Most youngsters at an early age are realistic too. Most know that they may have a chance to make the JV team but not be good enough to be at the Varsity. The elimination of the JV programs may eliminate the desire to continue playing a sport at an earlier age. Is this bad? There are always academic or other extracurricular activities that may do our youths better. However, aspiring in athletics teaches youngsters about goal setting, work ethic in practice, mental training and discipline. Although these youngsters may not continue playing in high school, it does set the foundation to become better students.

It is not about playing a few games in high school at the 9-10th grade. You see it is the means not the end that will be affected by not having JV sports.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Two Weeks Sorely Needed For Summer

The BOE may incorporate an extension of the Hawaii DOE summer vacation. Currently classes begin the first week in August. Ever since adopting the all year round schedule, summer sports aficionados have suffered.

Summer of old used to be 3 months. Three long months. Too long to make curriculum stick for next year, according to educators.
In sports, athletic trainers and coaches talk about periodization. The time when an athlete takes time off from their sport or training schedules to rest certain parts of their body.
The two weeks of extra summer vacation would do youth summer sports participants wonders. Summer school students that could not get enough classes or time to complete their requirements pushed the decision. Many summer class offerings were eliminated which put too much stress on the fall schedule. Baseball, Volleyball, Softball, and basketball players find it difficult to squeeze summer training and tournament play into the schools starting dates. Most of the Hilo Little League Senior team missed almost a month of classes due to the goal of achieving a World Title.

One private school was even mentioning that they would not condone any missed classes due to a sports extracurricular activity. Most educators and faculty have been real great in accommodating these athletes in chasing their dreams as well as Hawaii's dreams. If you win you get treated a little bit better. However, lose and you may find some incomplete scores or less forgiveness. Some youth baseball and basketball players have been traveling for several years to the mainland. Many of these athletes have missed up to one month of class if they were successful advancing past states to regionals and world tournaments.
Give the BOE and DOE credit for giving these players, parents and educators a little more breathing space---- Next year at least!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kevin Is Truly Big Island's Iron Man

Couple days ago a story ran about the BIIF Boy's Volleyball DI and DII players of the year in the Hawaii Tribune Herald. One story of interest was about Kealoha Kramer. The Kamehameha two sport athlete was the big story of the DI Boy's Volleyball season. However what was significant about the story wasn't about Kealoha. Now not taking nothing away from Kramer, who was an outstanding athlete with great attitude, skill and academics. The significance was the journalist writing the story. The story was the first feature story by Hawaii Tribune Herald Sportswriter Kevin Jakahi since becoming ill. That story was like a hurricane that hit the Big Island. It was a story that was written with much passion and spirit from Kevin who put his heart and soul into the articles that followed.

In the days that followed Kevin was on a tear, ripping story after story with such passion. He was back, he provided the Trib with something that was missing since his absence. Sure there were other free lance and staff writers that were hired after Kevin's absence, but Kevin's connection to the local people separated his writing. Kevin is a talented writer, who has a pure heart and truly cares for Hawaii Athletes. He has gone through much in his recovery with his illness that is similar to our featured columnist Wade Ishibashi. Truly Kevin is a true hero whose courage and grit leads us to become better people. Kevin Jakahi, welcome back you are truly the Big Island's Iron Man.

Monday, June 30, 2008

It Takes Guts To Over Come Pain

The sports fan over the last two weeks, have witnessed two spectacular sports events in history. First we must mention the Tiger and secondly the Bulldog. Tiger with all his physical ailments winning the US Open and the Fresno State Bulldogs winning the National Title in Omaha. First, Tiger proved he is probably the best golfer ever…. No other golfer would realize how much physical pain and ailments could turn an average man into a whimp. If you're a sports participant, you know what I mean. A stiff back can cause a good college NAIA All American, looking like a stiff old man who looks ten years his age. Yet a great golfer like Tiger who on one bad knee and a fracture in the same leg did not stop him from beating 100's of the world's best he man golfers.

Okay, he's Tiger we expect that from him. Right? If you're like most part time American Athletes you can sympathize with Woods. You know that stiff back, twisted ankle, or pulled muscle or Achilles tendon that sidelined you for the over 30 belly dancer league. To do this at a high level is astounding. Next time you have that nagging muscle pain in your hamstring or calf, try playing three rounds of 18 holes and shooting your best golf ever. I don't think so… It is like spotting another golfer 4 shots per day with a severe injury. Okay lets move on to the WAC Champion Fresno State Bulldogs. They broke out and hit a hot streak like no other DI baseball team. They made the WAC proud? Okay Hawaii beat them on K5 4-0 in which the UH pitcher shut them down in regular season. The Fresno State head coach was suspended before the Hawaii series due to some behavior problem during the games on the mainland. We won't get into that, but some say that may have been the turning point of the Bulldogs year. But the gutsy performance by the Bulldogs is just outstanding.

ESPN college baseball experts were saying Fresno was the weakest team in the pool and would lose against Rice and be two and barbeque. Well, so much for predictions. The Bulldogs were just a hungry dog that would not let go of their jaw breaking lock on what they wanted, a national title. Georgia the other Bulldog would be the darling favorite the NCAA wanted to win it all. Well, so much for the ugly sister Cinderella story of Fresno. The grape city with its entire San Joaquin Valley splendor must be dancing in the fields. Okay, we Hawaii fans that have gone to Fresno for football or baseball know that the fans of the Valley can get nasty and downright bad. But Steve Detwiler did a Tiger and battled a torn ligament in his left thumb to blast two home runs while Justin Wilson took care of business on the mound!

Fresno, which started slow to a 12-20 record, had to win the WAC tournament just to qualify for the Super regional. The NCAA which wanted an East Coast Champion (after Oregon State won back to back) must wait until next year.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Sun Rises In The East Again

The cloudy gloomy days of the Eastern Division of the NBA has been resurrected. It was not long ago when every sportscaster was writing off the East. It was the West with all the accolades of the Spurs and Duncan, or Bryant and Gassol, or Nash and Stoudemire.

Paul Pierce who for 10 long years finally had his coming out party last night with the NBA Championship. Danny Ainge the mastermind behind what would become one of the best assembling of a team in the history of the NBA. Ainge was nick named the nat for his fierce relentless in your face defense when he was playing for the Bostonians in the 80's. It is this same style of negotiating and assembling that landed the Celtics the Championship.

Even before the series started most NBA experts were declaring the Lakers the heavy favorites. The Celtics did not look particularly good against the Pistons. The Lakers on the other hand, looked great against the Spurs and shut down Parker and Duncan. It was the series everyone wanted, the blue-collar defensive team of the Celtics versus the glitzy Lakers of the Silver City.

Everyone was saying the Phil Jackson factor would win the series. The inexperience of Doc Rivers who made the Atlanta Hawks good during the 80's would not be able to match up against the legendary Sacred Hoops coach. Doc Rivers out coached Jackson. Rivers who never won an NBA Championship finally got his. Dominique Wilkins, who must have been watching, probably wept in jubilation for Rivers.

For 38 year old Sam Cassell, KG, and Ray Allen it was so sweet for those great players who finally got one championship. But everyone discovered how great MVP Pierce is, he was the go to player for Rivers, Doc recognized the mismatch. It did not matter who guarded him he scored on them all, inside or out. But Pierce probably is as nimble an interviewer as an NBA MVP. In the post game interview he gave all his teammates the credit and tap-danced around the selfish me answer. What a great move… The sun may set in the West, next year… The engine is there; the Lakers just did not have the tires and the axle. This series is just starting; watch out for Kobe he'll be back! The Lakers have some moves here and there up their sleeves.

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Vicious World Of Major League Baseball

The 2008 MLB draft was held June 5th and 6 rounds of supposedly potential great Major league players drafted. Most teams just blurt out their list on day two as rounds 7 to 50 goes in a flash. The big difference in the MLB draft is that they are able to draft high school players. In today's draft there were many high school players taken including the first pick. If you were to look at his video, he is a raw talent that has what the pros call tools; speed, power, arm strength. Now on his video he missed an easy grounder, looked awkward throwing to first and whiffed a BP pitch and has balance problems in the box. We at Hawaii Sports Page are not pro scouts, but the first round pick did not look really polished.

There are three tools one must possess to reach the pinnacle heaven. Speed, hitting power, arm strength. In other words the pros are looking for logs. As in tree logs. You can be a huge log that passes the eye ball test, size, speed, and power. MLB scouts are looking for logs that can be shaped to be pros. They want potential, 90+ on the arm, homerun power, if you don't have home run power you better run the 60 under 6.5 and hit for high average.

To be drafted is one thing but being drafted high is another. The whole league of having a minor league system is so the high draft picks can be trained and developed in that league. But you need players right? So the whole minor league system is made up of fine baseball players some of these players could easily play in the Majors and do well. However, each club is looking for the superstar that can help them win a championship. Each club does the following; evaluate, pay, move the prospects up, do it over again.

Meanwhile the lower draftees are forgotten. Take for instance Keoni De Renne, a top 50 high school prospect in high school from Hawaii. De Renne played for Arizona Wildcats and earned all American honors. His father was the famous Coop De Renne, a hitting instructor and a Kinesiology professor. When De Renne came out of college he was drafted by the Red Sox and played in their farm system and made it all the way to triple A. He was on the doorstep ready to make it to the big leagues. However, De Renne still waits to be called. He has been leaped over by younger rookies or older veterans that have been in trades. That is the nature of the Majors. Every year these players must compete with the current years draftees or trade acquisitions. If you are an infielder there will probably be 4-6 infielders taken every year in the draft. That means there are younger hungrier players trying to leap frog over you. That is the worst part of the whole system.

De Renne left the Red Sox farm system and signed with a new organization the York Revolution with the Atlantic League.

One of De Renne’s team mates is Jose Enrique Cruz. Cruz came to Hilo with his nationally ranked University of Rice team several years ago. Cruz smoked several balls on top of the Edith Kanakaole stadium. A star with pedigree destined for the bigs. However, Jose Enrique Cruz has only made it to the double AA level. Now, we know he is probably better than most of the high school prospects chosen today. He has more experience, seen more nasty sliders and curves and hit them, But we don't understand the logic. Enrique Cruz is a known quantity. Unfortunately, his talents can not immediately rescue a MLB team. Again remember the log analogy. Remember pros, are looking for logs to shape, the hidden gems or superstars out there. They are not looking for already shaped bowls they have seen or the likes. They are looking for tools to be shaped, different than college recruiting.

Logs are what they are seeking. Now De Renne is probably smoother than 50% of all the MLB shortstops, yet his size and power is prohibited him from getting the call. That is why MLB is vicious and cruel. Many a good Hawaii players languished in the double AA, and triple AAA only to be passed up by high school hot prospects or high college draft picks. There is a need for career minor leaguers. Without these career minor league players committing there would be no league, no training ground for these raw logs.

High draft picks get preferential treatment in moving up, they are an investment. Clubs pay big signing bonuses to develop this talent. To not move them up, will make the scouts and management look inept and foolish. Hence, if two equal players have the same ability and are similar in talent, but one has been drafted higher who gets the nod? Now if a low draftee is better than a high first or second round pick who gets the nod? Wrong, the high draftee always gets moved up faster, initially anyway. However, making it to the show sometimes takes being in the right place at the right time and a little luck as Benny Agbayani explained in his book.

Even if you make it you'll be guaranteed only a minimum salary of $300,000. Not bad right? That is great salary if you were guaranteed ten years in the Majors. However, there is no guarantee. You could be sent down to the minors for various reasons at any time. Now the most tragic part is in salary disparity. The skill differences between a superstar and an everyday regular MLB player is so suttle. Yet, that suttle difference believe it or not can make a huge difference in salary. The top players on some MLB clubs make 12-15 million per year. A rookie or second year player may be hanging on to a $300-$400 K salary. The superstar now makes 36 times more than the rookie. Is he 36 times better? If this goes on for two years the rookie would have to work 72 years to make the same money that the superstar makes. Now some players who were streaky hot for a year or two may be able to negotiate major pay raises for several years. But sometimes these players turn old and may have lost some of their talent but they still make ten times more than the younger players even though they may be sitting on the bench most of the day. Some economist believe that talent is over rated and over paid in America and is destroying business. Remember talent is not the same as skill. Talent is the small, suttle difference between being good and great. Sometimes talent is nothing more than timing of good skill. Being in the right spot at the right time or producing your best at the right time when it counts. No difference than an Ivy league CEO getting paid hundreds of millions due to his or her talent to make a company profitable, but is he really worth 1000 times more than the Vice President or CFO?

On the Revolution team Kazunori Tanaka was a high school phenom in Japan being drafted as a first rounder in the Japan professional draft. He broke into the Japan Majors at the age of 19. He came to the US in hopes to make it to the big leagues and make more money. He was drafted in the Japan Professional league ahead of Daisuke Matsuzaki with the Red Sox. So far he has spent four years in the minors hoping for the break to make it.

Another Revolution player Matt Padgett who has spent almost 10 years in triple A will probably end up as a career minor leaguer. Padget hit 120 homers, batted in 588 runs and has a lifetime minor average of 264%. In 2004 he hit 24 homeruns in triple A. For every one story that makes it to the big leagues there are dozens of stories like Matt Padgett. To make it to the show takes not only hard work but selling your self as a hidden log, that is the vicious nature of the Bigs. A handful of players make it to the show and then only a handful of those really make the big money.